Saved My Marriage!

by Jennifer
(San Francisco, CA)


I really can't express in words how helpful your mentoring was during my pregnancy.

I was feeling completely overwhelmed trying to keep things on track at work while also experiencing extreme fatigue and morning sickness.

My husband was at wits end because, face it, I was being terrible to him. The poor guy just wanted to help, but he had no idea how to everything he did was wrong.

All of that changed with your help.

Although I was reluctant at the start, the changes you suggested for my diet completely eliminated my morning sickness and I started sleeping much better. So interesting to learn how my blood sugar metabolism changed when I was pregnant, especially so early on.

I also appreciated the essential oils you recommended because they made me feel much better, especially when I was at work surrounded by smells that were so much different than before I was pregnant. I'm still surprised that I think coffee smells good again, it smelt like burnt rubber the entire time I was pregnant!

As you know, my husband calls you his angel. He is convinced that our marriage would have never survived my pregnancy without you. He is also forever grateful for having a role in my pregnancy and the birth of our daughter. You empowered him to be a vital part of the process.


Jennifer H

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Here's a Great Way to Involve your Boyfriend
by: Arrington

Hi Sandra,

I'm so sorry to hear your first marriage blew up. I have a suggestion for you this time around.

Consider taking a Bradley Method of Childbirth class together with your boyfriend.

It is a really great way to involve your boyfriend. He will learn exactly how he can best support you as well as all of the important ways he can successfully be involved.

Many women I've coached found Bradley Classes to be really amazing.

Personally, I dragged my husband to a Bradley Class during each of my pregnancies. He needed the reminders and constant desensitization...

Otherwise, he was the kind of guy that would have passed out and needed emergency medical attention the delivery room!


Live and Learn!
by: Sandra

Its amazing how much pressure pregnancy and children put on a marriage! I wasn't so lucky my first time around and my marriage blew up when my firstborn was 18 months old.

This time around, I'm doing everything I can to involve my boyfriend. Live and learn!

Loved your story!

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