Pregnant and Alone

I am going to tell you the true story which happened during birth of my first child. So let me start my story from starting of pregnancy.

I was not aware of my pregnancy. I had a backache, so I just went to hospital with my husband. There the doctors did an internal check up and identified one fibroid inside my uterus. Then they did ultrasound and identified a large fibroid inside my uterus which was putting pressure on my kidney and thus creating backache. We came home and worried about what to do.

In the mean time I realized that my period hadn’t started and was overdue, so I asked my husband to go buy a pregnancy test. We anxiously waited to see what the results were and were amazed to find it positive. Now big question came - what to do?

We went to our home town and visited a doctor we trusted there. The doctor assured us that there was nothing to worry about. The fibroid would cause some complications but everything would be fine. We just had to follow a few simple rules… no sex till delivery, no travelling, and complete bed rest. Simple rules? These would be very hard for us!!

As we were in our hometown, and I couldn’t travel, I couldn’t go with my husband to the city (where he worked). He had to go alone and left me with his parents. Thus our separation began. For eight months we were apart. We missed each other very much. We had long, long calls daily, but they didn’t make up for being apart. In the end, all our sacrifices worked out. We were blessed with a wonderful, healthy boy. Finally we are together again and living a happy married life full of sex and fun.

In the end I will say my husband and I will never forget the nine months I was pregnant. Being separated was a nightmare for us. Our friends, cousins and other family members still tease us about how much we complained being apart.

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