Need tips for a film about natural birth

by Zhenya
(The Netherlands)

Dearest mums and mums to be!

My name is Zhenya and I am new to this website and forum, but I am hoping to stick around. I have kids, both delivered naturally (my youngest - a beautiful waterbirth). I was inspired to make a film about happy "connected" pregnancies and the beauty of natural childbirth. It will be a short documentary in which we will be taking Holland as a case study (it is also where I live), where natural childbirth is very common and many women give birth at home. We already have a script draft, but we are looking for ways to make it more meaningful to our potential audience... so here I am, looking for inspiration!

I have been reading many of your natural childbirth stories as well as questions, answers and comments, looking for issues of most concern (as well as inspiration) to an expecting or new mother (and her partner). I have picked up quite a few interesting ideas, but I also thought it is perhaps best simply to ask . I would be super thankful if you could answer all or any of these questions - just brainstorming really, so any ideas are welcome! Thank you so much!

1. If you had a natural childbirth:

a. Did you choose it consciously and why?
b. Looking back - were you happy with your decision (would you do it again?).
c. If you have any regrets about your choice - what were they?
d. If you had any revelations/inspirations/discoveries about yourself, your partner, your relationship etc during your natural childbirth - what were they?
e. What was most important for you during childbirth? (i.e. privacy, support, environment) and why?

2. If you are planning a natural childbirth:
a. Why did you choose it?
b. In the course of your pregnancy - have your attitudes changed towards (been changing) towards childbirth? What are the most important influences?
c. Do you have a birthplan for your natural childbirth? What are the most important points in it? Have you discussed it with your medical practitioner (who will deliver your baby), who did they take it?

3. For all
a. If you were to watch a film about natural childbirth (and natural, "connected" pregnancy), what would be interesting for you to see (now that you are pregnant/have had your baby recently)?

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