Natural Home Birth

by Robin
(Indiana, USA)

There's No Place Like Home to Have a Baby

There's No Place Like Home to Have a Baby

My first daughter was born in a hospital. Even though delivery time was relatively short, the whole experience was unpleasant from start to finish.

When I found out we were expecting our second child, my husband suggested we have the baby at home.

At first, I was totally against it. But, as I remembered my experience in the hospital, I decided to investigate the possibility of a home birth.

The first step I took was to talk with my doctor about home birth. Honestly, she wasn’t thrilled, but after I assured her we would have highly trained midwives to attend the birth, she said, “Well, I am not encouraging it. If anyone can have a baby at home, it’s you.” I continued seeing her throughout my pregnancy.

Our next step was to interview midwives. We met first with two midwives who had extensive experience with home births. One midwife was actually a registered nurse. My husband and I really liked them, and felt completely comfortable with them.

They educated us on the birthing process and what to expect, both during and after the birth. We also discussed a plan in case the birth did not proceed as expected and when to transport to the hospital. My husband and I continued to feel comfortable and decided to commit to birthing our baby at home. During my pregnancy, I read everything I could find on natural childbirth. As the time approached I felt confident, relaxed, and well prepared.

Around 1:30a.m. September 4, labor began. I was surprised at how quickly my labor progressed. The contractions were very bearable and only when they got about a minute or two apart did they intensify.

Transition was pretty difficult, but thankfully I passed through it quickly. My husband called the midwives when I began transition, and they were ready to leave for our house which was about twenty minutes away. I thought they were cutting it close, but they timed it perfectly.

They had enough time to prepare themselves and examine me and we were in the home stretch. Our baby daughter was born about ten minutes later. My husband and our first daughter were with me throughout the birthing process. What a wonderful experience to have loved ones nearby!

Our friends and family were amazed when they came to visit later that day and found me outside hanging clothes on the clothesline! I felt terrific, not at all like I felt after the birth of our first child! Our new baby was healthy and resting peacefully, and besides a little rough start at breast feeding, everything went according to the textbook.

After that, I became a bit of a celebrity, “The brave woman who gave birth to a baby in her own bedroom!” I tried to tell them, but they wouldn’t believe me . . . it was the one of the most natural and easiest things I had done in my entire life.

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