How to be healthy during pregnancy

by Tona

Eat healthy foods while you are pregnant!

Eat healthy foods while you are pregnant!

The best way I’ve found for how to be healthy during pregnancy is to eat right and make those nine months count!

Being the carrier of a life in your womb is the greatest blessing but it is also hard work. It begins right when you start trying to get pregnant. This is the time to get in the best possible shape you can to ensure that your body is a hospitable environment for the baby that will grow inside of you. This does not mean that you start exercising like a maniac and give up on all junk food. Instead a balanced approach is required which includes regular exercise, healthy and nutritious food, and complete avoidance of smoking, drugs and alcohol. And don’t forget to take your prenatal vitamins especially iron and folic acid.

Once you are pregnant your body will undergo many changes. From Morning sickness to loss of bladder control and weight gain (yeah lots of it). Learn to cope with all these changes by getting all the information you can. These sources can be your doctor, your mommy friends, websites and magazines and most importantly your own mother. In India, Coconut water is prescribed as a solution to morning sickness. You can also try this but remember this is not the time to try out fad diets or change in workout regimens but try to eat a healthy and balanced diet coupled with your regular exercise.

Diet management during pregnancy is very important as the goal is not to put on unnecessary weight but give the maximum nutrition to the fetus. Remember your body does not need a whole lot of extra calories. It isn’t the calories that count as much as what you eat. By cutting out all processed food and sticking to natural ingredients, you will gain the right amount of weight for your body type. So eat lots of protein combined with moderate amounts of healthy fats and carbohydrates in the form of green vegetables predominantly. I followed the Indian traditional birthing chart where each month of pregnancy shows a certain part of baby’s body developing. For example in the months when baby’s bone structure was developing I ate food rich in calcium. Green vegetables like spinach which are a source of Iron are also must-include in your diet.

Do indulge in cravings once in a while taking care that the food has been prepared in a hygienic environment. Also try to include lots of fiber and water in your diet to relieve you of constipation, a complaint of many pregnant women.

My final tip for how to be healthy during pregnancy is to take care of your mind by trying to be in a state of calm and by using relaxation techniques like meditation and massages. All the above tips will help you in completing the most important nine months of your life successfully with a beautiful result at the end of it-Your Baby.

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