Getting Pregnant Naturally

by Pallavi

Getting Pregnant Naturally

Getting Pregnant Naturally

Dear Readers I would like to share my experience with my natural pregnancy and getting pregnant naturally. I am in my 37th week of pregnancy and my delivery date is so close! I’m looking forward to having a natural childbirth.

For me, the biggest roadblock to get pregnant naturally was the psychological factor. If you want to become pregnant you need to first throw away all your bad feelings and sorrows.

Enjoy your married life with your partner and prepare to become a Mom. I ate only healthy foods which are rich in vitamins, minerals and other necessary things for my body.

Do not eat hydrogenated oils or processed food. They are full of empty calories and will only cause you to gain weight. Obese people have difficulties getting pregnant and trouble with pregnancy diabetes.

To get pregnant naturally you have to make contact with your partner after the first week of your menstrual cycle. It is widely said if you have sex with your partner around 12th to 15th day of your Menstrual cycle the chances of getting pregnant are more. That worked for me.

Make sure your periods are regular. If they aren’t try taking natural herbs or consider acupuncture. Both are very helpful for regulating your periods.

Not only do you need to be healthy enough to conceive, but your partner also has to be healthy enough to make you pregnant. Get your husband or partner to follow the same healthy diet that you do!

Once you get pregnant make sure to take a pregnancy multivitamin. By eating a healthy pregnancy diet and taking a pregnancy multivitamin you can be sure your body is receiving the necessary Vitamins and Minerals needed for a healthy baby.

Make sure you eat lot of green vegetables, fresh fruits, leafy vegetables, more of milk and milk products. Regular intake of egg and red meat is also very important for the iron and protein. They also contain cholesterol which is important for your baby’s brain development.

To avoid Nausea do not consume foods that make you feel sick. There are also acupressure points on your wrists that can help with nausea. Another tip is to pretend you don’t feel nauseous. In my pregnancy period I have vomited only few times because I do not bother much about it.

Apart from poor diet, the main cause of premature delivery is stress. Get lots of sleep and keep your stress levels low. Always think positive, happy thoughts and dismiss negative ones.

Hope these tips for getting pregnant naturally helped you a lot.

Happy Pregnancy and Happy Getting Pregnant!

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