Funny Kid Story

by Kel

Yummy Chocolate

Yummy Chocolate

When my daughter was 2, she was obsessed with chocolate. She loved anything chocolate and got excited every time she saw something colored dark brown. She often tried to eat weird, random things if they even remotely resembled chocolate.

One day while visiting my mother, we were sitting on the porch talking while my daughter played in the grass. She was running around the yard screaming and having fun with our little dogs. I see her bend over out of the corner of my eye but I thought she was just petting the dog or pulling at the grass.

A few seconds later, my daughter comes running up to me with her hands out. I wasn’t sure what she was going to show me. I thought maybe she found a toy or was running up to me with some grass or flowers. As she got closer to me, I saw she was holding something brown. At first I thought it was just dirt and continued talking to my mother.

By the time my daughter reached me, she had her hand in my face and I looked at her and she said, “Chocolate?” so I looked down at her hand and I realized she was holding dog poop. I immediately screamed because it was literally right in my face. My scream must have started my daughter because the next thing I know she starts screaming and panics and throws the poop in my face and runs away from me.

My mother just sat there laughing hysterically. I was completely disgusted and covered with little pebbles of poop. I immediately stood up and shook the pebbles of poop off of me. Thank goodness it wasn’t one of those soft, squishy poops! I grabbed my daughter and went straight into the bathroom so that both of us could shower with anti bacterial soap.

My daughter was crying the whole time because I’d startled her when I’d screamed when the poop hit me. She thought she had found some chocolate and didn’t expect my grossed out response to her delicious find.

Thinking about it now, I find the whole thing really funny but at the moment all I could think was “Ew, poop!” I am so thankful that my daughter always asks before eating anything because that scenario could have been so much worse than it was! My whole family teases me about it now because if I hadn’t screamed then I wouldn’t have gotten the poop thrown in my face.

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Yummy Mustard!
by: Wynn

I don't usually post comments, but I had to after reading about you getting covered with dog poop!

I had a different yet similarly gross experience.

We were having a barbeque with a couple other families over. I was busy eating my burger with one hand and holding our two month old with the other.

Noticing I had mustard on my finger, I licked it.

Whoops! Big mistake. Know what breastfed baby poop looks like? Yup... Just like mustard. me, it doesn't taste like mustard!

Hope you didn't just eat, but couldn't resist sharing too!


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